On C-SPAN, Friday, November 5, 2010
12:00 noon
C-SPAN video
Bob’s question begins at 1:04:10
Bob Weiner, and I’m a national columnist and jointly cover the White House with you, John.
It’s good to see you, great panel … and good to see some friends on the panel too.
One issue that hasn’t been raised -- I wanted to bring it because in my sordid youth, I was the Democratic youth voter registration director in 1971 and 1972, when youth vote was first allowed into the Constitution.
There were 15 million more youth 18-29 who voted in 2008 than 2010, but as CNN reported yesterday, the Congressional election margin of Republicans over Democrats was 5 million. Is there any way to build that turnout of youth and also minorities?
Especially here as we’re in a college setting, it’s very appropriate to ask this question:
In an off-year election, and if not this election, which had this kind of controversy, when? So how can that be done? I’d like the panel to address that.