November 18, 2009


Bob Weiner quoted at Leahy-Holder Judiciary Senate Hearing by Senator Coburn concerning Medical Marijuana Enforcement.

Link to audio -- on C-SPAN -- Discussion 30:28-35:00, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) quotes Bob at 33:15

SENATOR TOM COBURN: The fact is, 90% are not real illnesses. Yet we'd allow state law to deny federal law. I would quote former Clinton White House Director of Public Affairs White House Office of National Drug Policy, Bob Weiner, warning the administration, "Be careful about the new lax enforcement policy for marijuana because you may get way more than you bargained for. Prescription marijuana use has exploded for healthy people," and there's no question about that -- that it has. I want to be sure you’re concerned about that as well. Pay attention to this.

ATTORNEY GENERAL HOLDER (NODDING YES): The guidance remains a priority for enforcement to the extent that people misuse state laws for the importation of traditional marijuana. The federal government, DEA and the Justice Department will be vociferous in enforcement efforts.

(Earlier): Holder: "Yes it's a break (from prior policies) but logical given limited resources. But we are not blind to people not consistent with state law." Coburn stated: "As a physician, the number one health problem for youth is not obesity, but drug use. I know the power of marijuana to lead to other drugs."