January 30, 1998
Correspondents: Chris Bury, John Donvan
Anchor: Ted Koppel

ANNOUNCER: February 2, 1998. 

TED KOPPEL, ABC News (voice-over): 
It's not easy when you count among your detractors the first lady of the United States. 

First Lady HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON: (from NBC's "Today") We get a politically motivated prosecutor who is allied with the right-wing opponents of my husband. 

TED KOPPEL (voice-over): Or when you're accused of orchestrating a witch hunt. 

BOB WEINER: This is an incredible overreach by the prosecutor to have subpoenaed us. It is Big Brother at its worst and it really scares you.



CHRIS BURY (voice-over): In the case of Monica Lewinsky and the President, Starr has been attacked less for his politics than his tactics, including his flurry of subpoenas to every corner of the White House. 

BOB WEINER: I think this is an incredible overreach by the prosecutor to have subpoenaed us. It is Big Brother at its worst. It really scares you. 

CHRIS BURY (voice-over): Last week, Bob Weiner, spokesman for Clinton's drug policy director, and his wife complained of being hauled before a grand jury because of calls they'd made to local Democrats in Maryland. The independent counsel asked whether the White House had encouraged them to urge Maryland officials to prosecute Linda Tripp for recording Lewinsky's phone calls. 

MRS. WEINER: We don't live under the government of Nazi Germany. This is the United States. We have free speech and if we want to pick up the phone and call someone we have the right to do that.